Studies These documents include both the specialised opinion of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia and that of experts from the academic and professional fields. The issue under discussion will be of interest for the specific areas or groups of people which are the subject of focus in each case, and may refer to a specific time period. Estudi comparat de les oficines anticorrupció de Catalunya, Comunitat Valenciana, Illes Balears i Andalusia, amb propostes d'actualització i millora de la regulació de l'Oficina Antifrau de Catalunya (Comparative study of the anti-corruption offices of Catalonia, the Valencian Community, the Balearic Islands and Andalusia, with proposals to update and improve the regulation of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia) (in Catalan) [PDF] Estudio sobre los vínculos entre la corrupción y los derechos humanos (Study on the links between corruption and human rights) (in Spanish) [PDF] Corrupción y derechos humanos. Compartir agendas para el buen gobierno. Guía al Estudio sobre los vínculos entre la corrupción y los derechos humanos (Corruption and human rights. Sharing agendas for good governance. Guide to the Study on the links between corruption and human rights) (in Spanish) [PDF] Anàlisi del fenomen de la corrupció a Catalunya. A partir de les dades del baròmetre de l'Oficina Antifrau de 2018 (Analysis of the phenomenon of corruption in Catalonia. Based on data from the 2018 Anti-Fraud Office barometer) (in Catalan) [PDF] La experiencia de la Oficina Antifraude de Cataluña en la lucha contra el fraude y la corrupción en el sector sanitario (The experience of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia in the fight against fraud and corruption in the health sector) (in Spanish)[PDF] Programa de investigación en el ámbito de la prevención de la corrupción y la buena administración. Diseño de un sistema de análisis de riesgos de corrupción para las administraciones públicas catalanas (Research program in the field of corruption prevention and good administration. Design of a corruption risk analysis system for Catalan public administrations) (in Spanish)[PDF] El registro de intereses de Cataluña. Medidas para la optimización de los registros de actividades y los registros de bienes patrimoniales (The register of interests of Catalonia. Measures for the optimization of activity records and property assets records) (in Spanish)[PDF] Grupos de interés en Cataluña y elaboración de normas (Lobbying in Catalonia and rulemaking) (in Spanish)[PDF] Estudis IntegriCat 4. Derecho de acceso a la información pública y transparencia (Right of access to public information and transparency) (in Spanish) [PDF] Estudis IntegriCat 3. Principis de transparència i prevenció de la corrupció per a les empreses (Principles of transparency and prevention of corruption for companies) (in Catalan) [PDF] Estudis IntegriCat 2. Accés a la informació pública a Europa (Access to public information in Europe) (in Catalan) [PDF] Estudis IntegriCat 1. Encuesta La corrupción en Cataluña: percepciones y actitudes ciudadanas (Survey Corruption in Catalonia: citizens’ perceptions and attitudes) (in Spanish) [PDF] Reports Reports prepared by the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia to make proposals and recommendations on issues related to the scope of action of the Anti-Fraud Office. Management of conflicts of interest in the public sector of Catalonia, october 2016 [PDF] Informe de seguiment dels treballs de la Comissió d'Estudi de les Mesures de Lluita contra la Corrupció per a la Regeneració Democràtica (CEMCORD). Propostes i recomanacions. 6.2.2017 (Follow-up report on the work of the Committee for the Study of Anti-Corruption Measures for Democratic Regeneration (CEMCORD). Proposals and recommendations. 6.2.2017) (in Catalan)[PDF] Informe de seguiment dels treballs de la Comissió d'Investigació del Frau i la Corrupció (CIFEF). Propostes i recomanacions. 10.7.2015 (Monitoring report on the work of the Committee on Fraud and Corruption Investigation (CIFEF). Proposals and recommendations. 10.7.2015) (in Catalan)[PDF]