Legal information Compilation of articles on legal information that have appeared in the newsletter of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia. By subscribing to the newsletter, you will be able to obtain information regarding the actions of the Anti-Fraud Office and other issues related to its scope. Royal Decree 1101/2024, of October 29, approving the Statute of the Independent Whistleblower Protection Authority (in Catalan) The autonomous anti-fraud authorities submit allegations to the text of the Statute of the Independent Authority for the Protection of the Whistleblower (in Catalan) Law 2/2023: from letter to action. Frequently Asked Questions (in Catalan) The challenges of small municipalities in the management of conflicts of interest in public procurement (in Catalan) Brief reference to some considerations of the Judgment of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of 22.06.2023 in the matter of public sector procurement (in Catalan) Countdown to the total configuration of the whistleblower protection system in Catalonia (in Catalan) Law 2/2023, of February 20, on the protection of persons who violations of the law and the fight against corruption, some reflections and many doubts (in Catalan) "The outsourcing of public activities cannot be the pretext to weaken the legal requirements of transparency and accessibility to public information" (in Catalan) Publicity and accessibility to the rules in the process of elaboration: a subject still pending? (in Catalan) Internal alert channel. Reflections on the implementation of internal alert channels in public entities: regulatory requirements (in Spanish) Fighting corruption and prevention offices: an opportunity for global protection of integrity in the public sector (in Catalan) Whistleblowers and effective judicial protection: the guarantee of indemnity, constitutional doctrine (in Catalan) The Catalan Competition Authority presents the report Minor contracting: risks to competition and proposals for improvement (in Catalan) Nine months for the transposition of the directive on the protection of whistleblowers: do we have any work done? (in Catalan)