Statutory provisions Regulations on conduct Legislative Decree 1/1997 approving the merger into a single text of the precepts of certain legal texts in force in Catalonia regarding the civil service (chapter 4, "On Rights and Responsibilities", enacted 31 October 1997[PDF] (in Spanish) Law 7/2007 on the Basic Status of Public Employees (arts. 52-54), enacted on 12 April 2007[HTML] (in Spanish) Incompatibilities and conflict of interest Law 53/1984 on incompatibilities for staff working for the public administrations, enacted on 26 December 1984[HTML] (in Spanish) Law 21/1987 on incompatibilities for staff working for the Administration of the Government of Catalonia, enacted on 26 November 1987[HTML] (in Catalan) Law 13/2005 on the regime of incompatibilities for senior staff working for the Government of Catalonia, enacted on 27 December 2005[HTML] (in Catalan) Law 3/2015, of March 30, regulating the exercise of the senior position of the General State Administration [HTML] (in Spanish) Political party financing Organic Law 8/2007, of July 4, on financing of political parties [HTML] (in Spanish) Organic Law 6/2002, of June 27, on Political Parties [HTML] (in Spanish) Parliamentary regulations Regulation of the Parliament of Catalonia (arts. 4-13 on the Status of Members; 55 on the Commission on the Status of Members; 199 on Parliamentary Administration; and 200 on principles of action)[PDF] (in Catalan) Statutes of the internal regime and government of the Parliament of Catalonia [PDF] (in Catalan) Legislation on local authorities Law 7/1985 regulating the bases of the local regulations (art. 73-78 on the Status of Members of Local Corporations), enacted on 2 April 1985[HTML] (in Spanish) Legislative Decree 2/2003 approving the amended text of the Municipal Law and Local Regulations of Catalonia (title 15, "On the Status of Members of Local Corporations", arts. 162-170)[HTML] (in Catalan) Royal Legislative Decree 781/1986, of 18 April, approving the revised text of the current legal provisions on local government (Title VII, “Personnel in the service of local entities”, arts. 72 and 73) [HTML] (in Spanish) Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility Law 22/2015, of July 20, on Auditing of Accounts[HTML] (in Spanish) Law 26/2003, of July 17, which modifies Law 24/1988, of July 28, of the Stock Market, and the consolidated text of the Public Limited Companies Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1564/1989, of December 22, in order to reinforce the transparency of listed public limited companies[HTML] (in Spanish) Order ECC/461/2013, of March 20, which determines the content and structure of the annual corporate governance report, the annual report on remuneration and other information instruments of listed public limited companies, savings banks, savings and other entities that issue securities admitted to trading on official securities markets[HTML] (in Spanish) Royal Decree 221/2008 which creates and regulates the State Council on Corporate Social Responsibility, issued on 15 February 2008[HTML] (in Spanish) Law 2/2011 on the sustainable economy (art. 39, the promotion of corporate social responsibility), enacted on 4 March 2011[HTML] (in Spanish)