Conferences To help resolve possible doubts about the content and process of elaboration of the 'anti-fraud measures plans', the following conferences or presentations may be useful: “Institutional quality as the basis of the effective and honest management of the National Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience”. Account of the seminar co-organized by Rey Juan Carlos University, Transparency International Spain, Hay Derecho and Más Democràcia and which was held on May 18 and 19, 2022. The Director of Prevention of the Antifraud Office of Catalonia, Òscar Roca, participated in the round table "The control of funds at regional level" together with the Director of the Valencian Antifraud Agency, Joan Llinares. “The Next Generation EU funds and public compliance. Management and control of funds”. Webinar, organised by the Anti-Fraud Office and the Barcelona Provincial Council in 17.03.2022, addressed to the public authorities and management authorities and to the compliance professionals, talked about the management and control of the Next Generation EU funds and the relationship of anti-fraud measures with the compliance programmes. “Developing Anti-Fraud Measures Plans (AMP): Guidance and Tools for Projects financed by Next Generation EU funds”. Webinar organized by the Anti-Fraud Office on 1.12.2021, aimed at professionals involved in the development and implementation of a WFP where tools have been offered to develop step-by-step plans that are effective and appropriate to the risks of each organization and recommendations. “Anti-fraud measures in European funds. Integrity plans” Webinar, organized by the ACM held on 11.11.21, in which the Anti-Fraud Office exposes the resources it has available to develop integrity plans. “Implementation of complaint channels in city councils: experiences, recommendations and regulatory developments”. Webinar organized by the Anti-Fraud Office on 10.21.2021, in which doubts are resolved and examples are given on how these channels have been implemented at the municipal level. “Presentation of the risk guide for integrity in contracting applicable to public entities”. Webinar organized by the Anti-Fraud Office on 7.10.2020, which offers an applied vision of integrity risk management in the field of public procurement. “Risk management tools for integrity during the pandemic”. Webinar organized jointly with the OECD within the framework of the Anticorruption and Integrity Forum 2021, in which the Guide for integrity in public procurement is presented.