Programs These are the programs of the courses that are currently offered through the Anti-Fraud Virtual Classroom. Ethics and integrity promotion: What is an ethical dilemma? (101) [PDF] (in Catalan) The process of ethical reasoning (102) [PDF] (in Catalan) Conflicts of interest management: Introduction to conflicts of interest as risks (201) [PDF] (in Catalan) What is a conflict of interest? (202) [PDF] (in Catalan) Students assessments and opinions Satisfaction with the courses 2137 8,53 Certified participants Average satisfaction Training itinerary Course title Certified participants Average satisfaction Ethics and integrity promotion What is an ethical dilemma? (101) 1200 8,41 Ethical reasoning process (102) 703 8,49 Total 1903 8,44 Conflicts of interest management Introduction to conflicts of interest as risks (201) 199 8,92 What is a conflict of interest? (202) 39 8,54 Total 234 8,87 Comments from participants These are some comments from students of the Anti-Fraud Virtual Classroom: Course What is an ethical dilemma? (101) "I congratulate the creators of this course, as we often fall into automatisms and do not reflect on what we are doing. I believe that the approach of the course can go beyond the professional ethical dilemma, as it is important to reflect on everyday situations and consider why we do them." "This course should be mandatory for public workers, at the same level as the occupational hazards course. It should be taken before even starting to work in the Public Administration." Course Ethical reasoning process (102) "I think it is very necessary in the civil service to work on these aspects, since in day-to-day life you can see how unethical situations occur in the work environment, where personal interest is put ahead and public resources are wasted or used for personal matters. More training should be provided to managers so that they can detect unethical situations and know how to deal with them, and more resources should be given to workers to be able to overcome situations like the one with the van in the example of the course. Thank you!" "What I liked most was gaining knowledge by working on a specific case. It is very clear what phase we are in at each moment." Course Introduction to conflicts of interest as risks (201) "Lots of good materials. Very good examples. Unbeatable methodology. Congratulations on the course, really." "I especially liked: the structuring of the content, the methodological fluidity, the plausibility of the cases used. Congratulations!" What is a conflict of interest? (202) "Very good course." "It has been an enjoyable and affordable course, with very well explained material."