The right to know The Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia was created as an institution specifically aimed at preserving the transparency and integrity of the authorities and staff that serve the public sector in Catalonia. By transparency, we mean a way of exercising power that is visible to citizens because they have access to the information that the authorities process or generate in the performance of their operations. The demand for transparency is not a passing fashion, nor should it depend on the greater or lesser interest in openness of the particular government of the day. Only well-informed people are able to participate maturely in public debate and to exercise healthy control over the exercise of power. What is at stake is citizens’ confidence in their institutions and the credibility itself of democracy. It is in light of this that we in the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia wish to contribute, through this open window on our website, to raising awareness of this instrument of democratic quality. Right to access public information and transparency. Report of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia. 2ª Edition, December 2014 (version in Spanish).